Complete pyrolysis accessories line.
On-line Micro Reaction Sampler (PY1-1050)
Seal sample and reagent in a glass capsule and after the high pressure, high temperature reaction inside EGA/PY-3030D, the capsule is shattered and the reaction products are introduced on-line into a GC separation column.
Micro TD Sampler (PY1-1060)
Volatile organic compounds adsorbed on Tenax, activated carbon or other sorbents can be concentrated and analyzed using the EGA/PY-3030D pyrolyzer.
Multi-Sample UV Irradiator (UV-1048E)
An option for Micro UV Irradiator (UV-1047Xe). It can simultaneously irradiate a maximum of 18 polymer samples in accelerated deterioration tests.
Auto-Shot Sampler (AS-1020E)
A 48 position auto sampler compatible with Tandem μ-Reactor.
NEW High Pressure Flow Controller (HP-3050FC)
Allows online GC analysis of products formed by catalytic reaction under 3.5 MPa. Peak retention times on chromatogram are unaffected by pressure.
Selective Sampler (SS-1010E)
Any set of EGA thermal zones can be heart-cut and the components introduced into a capillary column or vented.
MicroJet Cryo-Trap (MJT-1035E)
Cryo-traps low boiling compounds at the front of capillary column by cooling a spot of the column to -196°C using Liq. N2. The universal design allows it to work with most sample introduction devices.